Meet Artist Jordan Kendall Parks
We sat down to chat with Jordan, the artist behind our beautiful new 'Icey' design talk about her art, cold water waves and inspiration behind her work.
Hey Jordan, can you tell us a bit about yourself - where are you from, where are you now?
I was born in Ohio but am a true East Coast kiddo - my mom and I moved all over the Eastern Seaboard, and I've landed in Maine for the past six years. It's made sense to call it home. Currently I'm living at Higgins Beach, so my favorite wave is a two minute walk from my front door.

So when did you first find your passion for art and what inspires your designs?
I first discovered my passion for art as a youngin', and fell in love with mixing watercolor and ink marks on paper. Later that developed into relief printmaking, painting and sculpture. I'm inspired by the natural world, our interaction with it and with one another.

How would you describe your art? And has your style progressed much over the years?
My art has definitely progressed over the years! I go through phases of creative intentionality - sometimes it's making art just to get things out of my head, and sometimes I have a specific idea or story to tell. I used to not truly understand the impact that my artwork could hold, but have used it to raise awareness on environmental, political and social issues.

Living in Maine and surfing the frigid waves, you must have a couple tips for anyone who's ready to hit the cold water this winter?
I am someone who runs super cold, so I have a lot of tricks for this (and it's not simply peeing in your wetsuit)! If you're surfing solo in cold water, and are going to be far from a hot shower, definitely bring a thermos of very warm to hot water to pour on yourself after getting out. Some people like to do this before getting in the water too, but I only do that if my suit is still wet from a previous surf session. Nourishment, hydration, and feeling healthy all play a crucial role in helping me stay warm. Cookies. Down booties. Snuggle with my friends after.

Longboard or shortboard?
Logging days all the way!
Hidden talent?
I can legitimately sleep anywhere. For 5 minutes or many hours.
Guilty pleasure?
Thoughtfully clashing patterns
Favorite artist?
I've got so many, but I really admire ones highlighting their Black or Bi-racial experiences through their art. My standouts are Kennedy Yanko, Nina Chanel Abney, and Kerry James Marshall. They help me remember that as an African-American artist, my work matters. Whether I am creating outdoor specific installations, painting waves, printing oyster shells, or using my art for social change, my experience is an underlying tone of my own narrative.
Anything else you’d like to add:
Not sure if this is relevant here, but--- I love and so appreciate how HerWaves lifts up artists! Thanks for featuring me, even from the opposite coast!

You can now shop Jordans 'Icey' Design sweatshirt here:
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