Meet Artist Margie Rice from Hawaii
Tell us about yourself and your creations
Kailua born and bred on Oahu. Therefore my art and my style capture that island vibe but with feminine spin on it. I think my art illustrates how I see and experience my culture, lifestyle and home as a woman.
What inspires the art that you create?
I’ve always been moved by my island home. I love embracing the colors, textures and moods of my tropical lifestyle. I’ve also have always been inspired by women. I think there is a strong femininity to my art. Like I’ve said before, I love capturing a lounging lady whether shes relaxing, enjoying a daily ritual or surfing.
What is the biggest challenge you face as an artist/entrepreneur?
Hmm good question. I guess my biggest challenge is to figure out what to do next, I guess that goes for both being an artist and entrepreneur. To decide what to seek out next! And then of course there is always the issue of time. Never seems to be enough of it.
When did you start surfing?
I always played around in the Kailua shorebreak, body surfing and body boarding. But it wasn’t until I was I was about 12 or 13 until I really got on a board. My best friend Wendy’s father was an avid longboarder, collector of classic longboards and wrote articles for longboard magazine. He used to take Wendy and me down to Waikiki which is where I first learned how to surf. So very lucky to be given the chance to fall in love with the surfing lifestyle.
Longboard or shortboard?
Longboard all the way!
Dawn patrol or sunset surf?
Both! I’m a maternity nurse working night shift so I can’t be picky haha.
Where is your favorite surf break?
I love my hometown breaks out at the mokulua islands in Lanikai. It’s remote, small crowds and fun kick back waves. But my other favorites are Queens and Chuns, classic longboard spots.
Your favorite quote to live by?
Live by the sun, love by the moon. - unknown
Hidden talent?
Current obsession?
Giving myself lymphatic face massages
Guilty pleasure?
I have a major sweet tooth.
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