Get To Know Artist Mariska of Studio Ris
Tell us about yourself
What inspires the art that you create?
I have a strong desire to create anything that shows the freedom from the beachy lifestyle and boardsports culture. That developed more since I went on surfing classes in Canggu and Lombok, Indonesia. And discovered my love for island life on a small island called Ko Chang, Thailand. My travels really inspired me to create more. And above that, I love to draw the female culture of boardsports. I’m still discovering different illustration styles and experimenting with them. I don’t wanna stick to one style (yet). I’ve never been to Australia, but I love all kinds of surf music artists from there, like Tash Sultana, Sticky Fingers and Ocean Alley. This music and lifestyle inspired me a lot too.

What is the biggest challenge you face as an artist/entrepreneur?
The biggest challenge is to find an audience that will support me as an artist. I currently work at a design agency for 3 days a week, and besides that I have time to do my own client work and to make my own art. I still really enjoy working with colleagues too. But my dream job would of course be to live for art.
What advice do you have for other artists looking
Create, create, create! Don’t overthink about what you want to create, just make awesome stuff that you like! And if you have an Instagram account, try to post at least 3 times a week. And above all, support each other as artists.
When did you start surfing?
My journey started with a surfing class in the Netherlands when I was in highschool. But I kinda let it go after that. The waves are also mostly too short to surf on in the Netherlands. In Indonesia I rediscovered surfing again. In Lombok, we met a lot of indonesian surf dudes, who loved to surf with us. We went with scooters to the beach and at night we sat at a campfire or in the cafe and sang songs and joked with each other. I’m still a beginner at surfing. I would love to do it more, and probably after the corona crisis I’m going on a trip to Portugal.
Longboard or shortboard?
Dawn patrol or sunset surf?
Sunset surf! I’m not such an early morning person. But actually lately I’m getting better at that hahaha.
Where is your favorite surf break (could be somewhere local to you or somewhere you surfed during a trip)?
As I said before; Canggu, Bali. But also the beaches near to Kuta, Lombok. And in october I went on a trip to Morocco. I would really recommend going surfing in Imsouane. The famous spot with the seven waves! It’s a supercool small village and the waves are amazing.
Your favorite quote to live by?
‘Add a little sunshine in your life’ When the sun isn’t around, add your own! It means stay positive, when there is negativity around.
Current obsession?
I loooove plants and I currently have a lot of plants to take care of. I even have a plant that I sometimes put in a bath hahaha. Yup #plantmom.
Guilty pleasure?
I have a thing for collecting old teapots haha. I love tea and to try out new fresh tea’s!
Favorite song lyric? or Favorite band/musician?
My favorite band atm is definitely Ocean Alley. I’ve been to all their concerts when they are around. But I also really love the band Sticky Fingers. My favourite song lyric from Sticky Fingers is:
‘Open up the oceans, jump on in
The masters of the coastlines beckoning
Unfold my only life vest, sink or swim
Through the everlasting worlds begin’
From Liquor Lip Loaded Gun, Sticky Fingers.
I have a list on Spotify with all kinds of ‘surfy’ music.
Anything else you’d like to add:
Besides illustration, I really love to paint or draw on longboards. I would like to do this as client work too, so if you think your longboard, surfboard or any board needs a makeover, let me know! I’d love to do a surfboard someday too.
My Instagram: @studioris My shop: or my portfolio website: